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Indianapolis, IN


Seasonal Heating + Cooling Tune-Up

Join The Royal Treatment Program!

Part of the mission of our team at King Of Comfort Heating & Cooling is to create lasting relationships with our local Indianapolis clients. We’re truly committed to the health and efficiency of your homes — we’re not out to make a buck. That’s why we go above and beyond to make our AC, heating and IAQ services easy and convenient.

The Royal Treatment Program ensures that our loyal clients receive five-star services throughout the year. For only $130 annually, you can receive:

  • 2 Seasonal Tune-Ups
  • Priority service
  • 15% off repairs
  • 5% off equipment purchase
  • No overtime charge

Our maintenance plan is even a transferrable agreement, giving you flexibility when you sign up to be part of the program!

Call to join our program and receive the royal treatment you deserve.

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